Empowering dreams, shaping futures

Welcome to Sigma Education Solutions - Your Gateway to Educational Excellence in Indonesia!

Unlock a world of possibilities with Sigma Education Solutions, a leading educational consultancy based in Indonesia. Rooted in the belief that innovation and excellence should inspire businesses, schools, and students, we take pride in offering a diverse range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of International Businesses, Schools, Parents, and Students.

Our Commitment to Excellence: Elevating Education in Every Aspect

At Sigma Education Solutions, we are dedicated to empowering and elevating education. Our comprehensive array of services reflects our commitment to fostering innovation and improvement across the educational landscape.  For a FREE short meeting about how we can help you please use this link to book.

Click on the links below to find out more

Professional Development for Educational Professionals

Our EPIC (Education Professional's International Certificate) certification programmes for education professionals are tutored by our UK-educated and trained lead consultant.   Programmes are available in teaching and learning and leadership roles in schools.

School Quality Mark

Our school quality mark gives schools and parents the confidence that the school has undergone a rigorous assessment process.  The assessment process shows that the school is safe, with the best interests of the child at its core.  Click the link above to find out more.

Green School Mark

Our green schools' mark reassures stakeholders that environmental sustainability is at the heart of the school's operations.  Looking after the environment is a top priority for the learners of today.

School Consultancy: Navigating the Future of Education

Receive expert guidance and support as we navigate educational institutions through today's dynamic landscape. Our School Consultancy services are designed to help schools thrive in an ever-changing world.

Education Conferences: Catalysts for Growth and Collaboration

Participate in our insightful Education Conferences, where knowledge-sharing and collaboration take centre stage. Together, we foster growth and development in the education sector, shaping the future of learning.

Holiday Schools: Enriching Programs for Fun and Learning

Explore our enriching holiday programs that seamlessly blend fun and learning. Our Holiday Schools create memorable educational experiences, ensuring holidays become opportunities for growth.

Tutoring: Tailored for Academic Excellence and Personal Growth

Experience personalized tutoring services that cater to students' individual needs, fostering both academic excellence and personal growth. Sigma Education Solutions is your partner in unlocking students' unique potential.

Business Tutoring in English and Leadership: Global Success Starts Here

Equip professionals with essential English and leadership skills to excel in the global business arena. Our Business Tutoring programs ensure professionals are well-prepared for success on the international stage.

School Competitions: Nurturing Talents and Abilities

Engage with our engaging competitions that challenge and inspire students, nurturing their talents and abilities. Sigma Education Solutions creates platforms for students to shine and grow.

University Admission Consultancy: Your Gateway to Higher Education

Navigate the complex university admission process with our expert guidance, opening doors to higher education. Sigma Education Solutions paves the way for students to embark on their academic journey with confidence.

Student Education Reviews: Ensuring Excellence and Continuous Improvement

Benefit from comprehensive reviews of educational programs and experiences. Sigma Education Solutions is committed to ensuring excellence and continuous improvement in every aspect of education.

Education World Blogs: Insights Unveiled

Explore our insightful blogs where we share valuable knowledge and perspectives on the world of education. Stay updated with the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in the field.

Educational Excursions: Explore, Learn, and Understand Globally

Embark on a global exploration with our international trips, offering a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of the world we inhabit. Sigma Education Solutions broadens horizons through immersive educational excursions.

Contact us today:

Meet our main consultant, Andy, who brings over two decades of experience and holds a Master's degree from the UK. As an educator in both the UK and International Schools, Andy's leadership roles and contributions to school reviews through the UK's National Challenge Programme ensure that Sigma Education Solutions stands at the forefront of educational excellence.  Andy also holds the UK's National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and has facilitated on the UK's National Professional Qualification for Senior Leaders (NPQSL).

Discover the difference at Sigma Education Solutions - where innovation, improvement, and excellence in education shape a brighter future for businesses, schools, and students alike.